I don't know if I believe in "jinxes" or not. There are times when I really feel like I have the unintentional power to jinx things and bring about bad luck. Today, not 10 minutes before our truck broke down I was thinking to myself how we had 1,000 miles until Salt Lake City and at least we were in the "good" truck so nothing would go wrong. I was, in fact, wrong. So did I mentally jinx us? Perhaps, but what about all the other times when I think something and it goes right? It's not like my luck is usually THAT bad. I'm leaning towards the term
coincidence rather than jinx, but who really knows?
I also find it impossible to believe our trucks don't have human personalities. For some reason, they think they have been wronged in some way and have a vendetta to get back at us. Well, trucks, this is what I think of you:

(Actually, now I'm a little scared for what's in store tomorrow...maybe I should have waited until we make it to Utah to tell them what I think)
Adam is going to be mad... BUT, this is the best post ever!! ;)
it's the law of attraction, senor.
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