Tuesday, September 16, 2008

fatty mcbutterpants

Eating crepes always reminds me of when my dad made Cannelloni Crepes...god, those were amazing. I'm going to have to make them soon. Once I'm able to cook again.

I was thinking this evening about my eating habits lately. It wasn't good.

Although I've had a lot of great food recently, it hasn't been good for me - particularly since I haven't been able to run. I don't want to say it's impossible to eat well when you have to eat out every single meal, but its darn close to impossible. How many dishes at a quick serve restaurant come with any type of fruit or vegetable? And how much money would you have to spend to actually eat right?! I haven't eaten Subway in forever because I was there so frequently in the first three months that it doesn't sound even remotely appealing.

But I suppose that is part of what this job, this experience, is all about. It's the same with everything else - it's temporary. Soon I won't have the opportunity to eat in a different city and a different restaurant for every single meal. Soon I will be back running again and will have the structured regiment I used to cherish. Soon life will be back to normal, yet completely different all at once. I guess doing the best I can with what I have and living in the moment are two lessons I'm being taught right now. They're good ones, I hope I learn them...


Connie D. said...

Excuse me, my dear, but it was your MOTHER that made the canneloni crepes!!!

IronGambit said...

in caps ooohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!