For the debate this evening, I have decided to do a “stream of consciousness” post. Why would anyone care what I’m thinking while watching a political debate? Well, they probably don’t, but it’s something to read. (Times are Mountain Time...because my computer is on Mountain Time...because I change time zones every week and don't feel like changing it)
07:01:40 PM Okay, here we go!
07:01:57 PM I’m watching CNN debate coverage, both men and women seem to be dead on the bottom of the screen
07:02:38 PM Handshake with utterly fake greetings
07:03:04 PM First question: shocking! Economic based
07:03:43 PM Nancy Reagan broke her pelvis…
07:04:32 PM McCain said Fannie and Freddy May are responsible for this, I didn’t realize they got married – and he took her name
07:05:32 PM McCain blinks a lot
07:05:46 PM Hey, a candidate stayed within the time limit!
07:06:29 PM Fundamentals is still a buzzword – generic, but still buzzy
07:07:17 PM Why don’t they show the time clock on the screens? That would add a great element, along with a very loud horn when time is up
07:08:35 PM McCain is talking to Joe, is he really going to approach the economic recession one person at a time?
07:09:53 PM It seems like both candidates love tax cuts, but they disagree, weird…
07:10:54 PM Obama has been eating numbers for breakfast
07:11:20 PM McCain still talking about Joe the plumber, his “wealth” spreading and how Obama is raising taxes – see two thoughts ago…???
07:12:48 PM Did Obama just say nobody likes Texas?! Oh, taxes, phew
07:13:21 PM McCain pulled out the all-important “Irish tax rate” number, because that’s relevant…
07:13:55 PM Trillion dollar debt, woohoo!
07:15:12 PM Obama proposing pay as you go, apparently he is going to run a cell phone company along with the country
07:16:46 PM McCain went directly back to home ownership, not surprising, maybe he can divide all of his 8 houses among those people
07:18:49 PM McCain importing Brazilian sugar cane energy, interesting, do you just get people all hopped up on sugar and hope they are hyper-efficient?
07:20:22 PM Obama is confusing me with trillion dollar amounts – what’s the difference between national debt and deficit?
07:20:56 PM Oh, snap! McCain calls for an Obama/Bush presidential race in ’04! Decent line, but that one was certainly scripted, wonder how long he’s been holding on to that remark…
07:22:12 PM McCain is much better so far in this debate, albeit, very angry, but he is hitting more on policy this time around
07:23:24 PM Obama may not be well-liked by Fox News tonight, although to his point, he isn’t really already
07:24:14 PM McCain interrupting moderator, very annoyed with Obama about his claim of more of the same
07:25:22 PM Oooh, a question on the direction of each candidates negative campaigns…where will this go?
07:26:59 PM McCain not happy about Obama not repudiating some remarks about him like McCain has done every time…except when Palin said Obama palled around with terrorists
07:28:08 PM Decent answer by McCain, he still seems angry, but he is more prepared and debating better
07:29:33 PM Obama turns it right back to the economy, fairly smart, but kind of a let down, I wanted more of an answer on the negativity
07:30:54 PM McCain upset because of Obama’s ad spending…but the Obama campaign HAS the money…
07:32:53 PM Obama said tit…for tat
07:34:19 PM Whew, McCain is getting very upset and emotional
07:35:20 PM Obama throwing everything back to the economy, still steering away from the original question
07:36:13 PM And here it comes…the Obama associations
07:37:25 PM Obama “repudiating” associations with his clearly prepared answers, obviously both candidates knew this was coming up and both “read” their answers
07:38:43 PM Obama now talking about his actual associates, pretty good move and interesting
07:39:44 PM McCain still going negative, then says Obama needs to tell people the truth…as he JUST did
07:40:30 PM This debate is FAR more heated than last time
07:40:50 PM Ouch, question on running mates becoming president, that one may hurt McCain, intrigued to hear his answer
07:41:25 PM If McCain uses the term hockey mom, this one’s over
07:43:49 PM McCain on Palin: Bresh of freth air…okay, low blow, I’m not the one up there speaking in front of the country
07:45:20 PM Obama may be laughing a little too much, might make him seem condescending
07:46:27 PM McCain still saying Obama raising taxes…and McCain seems to be forcing his way in to get the last word on every question
07:49:10 PM It must be weird to attempt to speak passionately and look right into a non-responsive camera, pretending it’s the American public
07:51:49 PM Drill! The Maverick wants oil!
07:52:25 PM I think Obama is a little caught off guard by McCain this time around, maybe expecting the easy win like last time
07:53:39 PM Along with McCain’s better preparation and debating, he has turned the table and has become the more aggressive, condescending, annoyed, and angry candidate tonight, ooh, there’s a backhanded compliment about Obama’s verbal eloquence
07:55:59 PM I have no idea what to think of the squiggly lines on the bottom, it’s quite irritating to try and follow them
07:58:27 PM Health care question, I feel like I’ve heard these plans a hundred times before
07:59:49 PM Here comes Joe again, this guy certainly is popular – I wonder if he’ll be the next White House plumber
08:00:48 PM Obama now talking to Joe, getting serious air time, he must have made SOME impression
08:03:32 PM More “fundamental” differences
08:03:49 PM Geez, this debate is all about Joe! What about me!?
08:05:02 PM 10 to 1 odds Joe ends up with his own TV show sometime soon and none of what they’re talking about tonight will make any difference
08:06:49 PM Crap, I think I just chipped my tooth…
08:07:29 PM Yep, it’s a little chipped, maybe they’ll talk more about dental insurance in either of their plans
08:10:37 PM Only a couple questions left, I think the election will get closer after this debate, regardless of who they say wins
08:12:06 PM I honestly have no idea what “voting” in the senate even means, they literally vote thousands of times and each Senator can look at the other and say “He voted this way on this item, blah, blah, blah”, I don’t get it
08:15:29 PM There’s that backhanded eloquence compliment again
08:16:15 PM Last question, education
08:17:02 PM I need a little something sweet during all of this salty rhetoric…Cookies and Cream granola bar
08:18:04 PM Granola bar delicious
08:18:37 PM I like Obama’s idea about giving young people money for school when they complete community service
08:21:03 PM This question seemed to have cooled the tempers a little
08:22:09 PM Maybe that’s because they actually agree on something, but who is going to be against education, honestly
08:23:05 PM There’s a little zing from Obama, how does McCain come back?
08:23:56 PM Seems like McCain caught him a little on that with vouchers in the DC area, response?
08:26:09 PM Still disagrees, I guess they agree to disagree, shocking
08:26:55 PM Smug remark from McCain, kind of sums up his persona for the evening
08:27:28 PM Closing remarks, my friends…
08:28:03 PM McCain: Reform, affordable healthcare and education, stop the spending (kind of stuttering through this) and now he’s going to the trust issue and his record of service
08:29:16 PM Obama: Economy (shocking), fundamental change from the last eight years, fundamental decency, middle class tax cuts, new energy policies, not easy or quick, speaking a little from the heart towards the end which is new
08:31:43 PM Hey, they shook hands! I think they’re friends! Or not…
08:32:26 PM At least the wives are friends ☺
08:32:38 PM And thus ends the final debate, here’s my prediction – the Republicans will say McCain won, the Democrats will say Obama won. I think this debate returned to a typical, heated, solid debate and the fact that there wasn’t a clear winner is a good thing for the overall outcome of the election. And good lord, does CNN really need 15 people (literally, I counted) on the stage to discuss this!!