I know what you're thinking, "When did the Rock 'n' Roll Wells Marathon make the schedule?" While there is plenty of space here for such an event, the expo would have to take place in either the Flying J or the 4 Way Cafe and Casino. The host hotel might be the extravagant Motel 6 at which we took residence last night - luckily they were courteous enough to "leave the light on" for us. The finish line festival could be erected in the vast gravel truck parking lot across from said Motel 6 at the base of the I-80 off ramp, exit 352, allowing for a blazing fast down-hill finish. Holding the finish line tape would be none other than Eric, our truck mechanic, and any of the other notable inhabitants that choose to live in Wells, population no more than 100 (plus Molly and me, at least until this afternoon).
So, yeah, the truck is broken again. Let me rephrase - the truck is still broken, we have just been driving it apparently in spite of the malfunctions. A shiny, new alternator is currently on its way from Salt Lake City - I can only assume from the same shop where the truck just spent 4+ days - and we should be on our way! On our way again, that is, multiple delays, parts, and thousands of dollars later, but hopefully only to return to Wells for nothing more than a fleeting glance, speeding past at 75 mph in the opposite direction.
In other news, I had a great trip to Dallas over the weekend. The wedding was fun, meetings were positive, and Whitney and I switched apartments. This is the ambiance I was originally hoping for, luckily we were able to make it happen.

I leave this post in the words of the lovely Dionne Warwick..."Do you know the way to San Jose?"
Wait, so did you manage to get the courtyard apartment that was open sooner?
I have missed your blogs SOOOO much!! Sorry that things have been tough, but it sure makes for humorous writing!
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